National Solar Tour

Since 2011, ARK has annually coordinated with the American Solar Energy Association, local agencies, and solar power system owners across the state on demonstrating the possible, the potential, and the generational profits that comes from investing in clean energy – with solar being the low-hanging fruit.

The National Solar Tour continues to serve as a rally point for advocates, industry leaders, and forward-thinking citizens while marking the progress we are making toward a clean energy economy that is affordable for all.

For many parts of our home in Alaska, the sun shines brightly for half the year and and hardly at all for the rest of the year. This great potential has always stumbled with the pitfall of cost-effective storage, point-of-use distribution, and efficient conversion from heat to electricity.

From the tiniest home to the largest metroplex, hydrogen can serve as the medium of exchange that breaks the bonds of carbon addiction and moves our technologically-advanced civilization. Our extreme conditions allow us to serve as testing grounds on the latest innovations that can lower the cost and clean up the air. Like carbon, centralized generation cost of to where we are and to be leaders of the fossil free world, upgrading our grid will get us there.

The planning for the 2023 Alaska Solar Tour is ongoing. Reach out if you would like to contribute to the organizing, sponsor the event, or host a site.